Sunday, March 3, 2024

Gentleman Porter

Primary Art Work


"What do you think of when you see the temple?" -"I feel the love of Jesus."

"What do you think of when you see the temple?" -"I feel the love of Jesus."

Jack's Lion King Play

We saw Jack act in his Lion King play at his elementary school. Jack was Scar and he did such a good job! He had many lines and sang a solo. We were very proud of him. Christa said that he was one of the only kids with a low enough voice to play the part. 3/2/24

Gentleman Porter

After the Lion King play, we walked out to our car. On our way, Alyssa slipped and fell on the sidewalk. It had newly snowed and there was slippery slush. I went to her and held her while she cried. Then Porter rushed over and hugged and kissed Aly and me and comforted Aly. I tell Porter that he is becoming such a gentleman. And he's learning what that term means and how to be a gentleman and why it's important. He's opening doors for the ladies and says "Look Mommy, I'm being a gentleman!"-3/2/24

"Look Mommy! I have long white hair!" This body pillow was given as a gift to Porter from Megan Meservy. 

"Baby shark, doo doo doo doo." One of Porter's many pieces of shark art work I found around the house.

These are BeReal pictures. It's an app that reminds us everyday to take a random picture and send it to members of our group. It's mostly the Maynes that are in our BeReal group. 

School Spirit Week

For spirit week, one of the days was tourist day. He dressed up like a tourist. I put an old camera bag around his neck. He didn't understand why so I explained it to him. He also learned what "tourist" meant. He said that he wanted to wear his rainboots because he wanted to pretend he was a tourist at a rainforest. "Mommy, can we go to a rainforest?" "Mommy, lets visit the Amazon!"

Grandpa Hatch showed up and said "Let's go see the sunset at the park!" We had already been to the park that day, but we were fine with round two. And Grandpa has a way of making the park extra fun! Maisee was playing at our house at the time and she really wanted to come, so she joined us. Afterwards we all went to Old McDonald's and Grandpa bought us dinner and the kids had fun playing on the playplace with Maisee. Dad and I talked about a new book I started reading called "The One Minute Cure." 

Walk at the Centerville Community Park.

Porter's Megaladon.

Class Valentine's Day Party

Porter had a class Valentine's party and I went too, and helped out a bit. Holly (Vincent's mom) and I helped with the treats.

This is the cardboard barn that Megan Meservy gave to the kids. She set it up for them and everything. Megan has been helping me with cleaning and organizing in our house. 

Porter's megaladon, hammer head shark and sting ray picture that he drew. They are all over the house!

Making Brownies

One of our favorite things to do is make brownies. The kids enjoy licking the bowl of brownie batter!

Troll's Movie

We got a gift card to the Megaplex theater around Christmas time and needed to use it! There's usually not too many kids movies to choose from. We decided on the new Troll's movie. We had to sit in the very front section so we were very close to the screen. But Porter and Aly loved being that close to the screen! They said "It's soooo big!" We also got to sit in the reclining soft chairs, so that was a huge plus. Lots of room to cuddle. 2/17/24

Raiden's Birthday Party

Both Alyssa and Porter got to go to Raiden's birthday party. We gave him some of our new books for his gift. One book was not so new, but it was a book about Jesus that Porter picked out to give him. 

Be real picture that I took after the kids had already gone to sleep. I'm really liking how my new shower water filter is treating my hair, and my skin. 

They are so peaceful when they are sleeping. I love to capture the moment. 

100 Days of School

Porter had his 100th day of school. They brought a bag filled with 100 things to share with the class. Porter had cereal that his teacher provided. I forgot about it!

Porter being a blob fish. 


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Gentleman Porter

Primary Art Work   "What do you think of when you see the temple?" -"I feel the love of Jesus." "What do you think ...